Saturday, April 4, 2009

Malia Phelps (minus the bong!)

I signed Malia up for an 8 week swimming class to get her used to the water.  The worst thing about the class is that it is Saturday mornings at 9:00 am!!  That's right you heard me!  There is nothing worse than waking up early, getting your wriggling kid into a swim diaper and bathing suit, driving to Park Slope and plunging into "warm" water.  

Malia seems to enjoy the class and doesn't mind when I dunk her at the end of Ring Around the Rosey (We all Fall Down...splash!)  We sing about 10 songs in the half hour class (believe me, 30 minutes is a longgggg time to be in a pool with a baby!)  I roped Leeann into joining the class too because I wanted some early Saturday morning company.  This also gave Malia and her buddy Zuri a chance to "hang out".  

Now for the worst part of the entire experience:  The Locker Room!  It is practically impossible to keep her still while I change first myself, then her.  I see some parents laying the child on the floor but i find that gross so it takes me that much longer!  The bench I get to work with is about 18 inches truly is a nightmare!  Which is why when this cycle ends I'm skipping the next 5 week cycle.  I'll start her back in July.

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