Saturday, August 22, 2009

Top 10 Reasons Why Malia Has The BEST IMMUNE SYSTEM EVER!!

10) She likes to lick her stroller wheels
9) She frequently licks the bottom of adult shoes
8) She licked the arm rest on an airplane
7) She ate at least a 1/2 of Coney Island Sand
6) She ate a handful of cork bits at the Brooklyn Children's Museum
5) She licked the rubber ground at the playground
4) She's already stuck her hands in the toilet
3) She's grabbed the toilet brush (luckily that didn't make it to her mouth!!)
2) She's licks lint/food/specks of dirt directly off of the floor
1) She has licked my feet/toes on several occasions, usually a crawl by licking

All of these are so mortifying that they are in no particular order :(

Sunday, August 2, 2009

New Word of the Day: Tantrumming

Unfortunately my perfect little princess seems to be gone!  I've been left with a child that is super willful and somewhat violent when she doesn't get her way.  Which is why the word tantruming has become a staple in the house.  We use tantrumming and its cousin tantrummed in the following ways:

You tantrumming?  (A question asked of Malia when she's flipping out in the floor)
She started tantrumming at the playground, so we left.  
I don't know why she tantrummed!

The majority of the time the tantrum stems from taking away one of her favorite, but forbidden, toys (keys, cords, cell phones).  Tantrumming also occurs when:
 - she's in periods of refinement (car seat, high chair, stroller) but doesn't want to be
 - she's overly tired
 - she's frustrated because she can't get a toy to do the mystery thing she wants it to do
 - reasons unknown

The tantrum almost always involves the double leg chops from the video.  I've been too close to the line of fire and have been kicked in the stomach and the face.  Sometimes the tantrum involves tossing herself backward onto the floor, which can never be good.  I can usually tell when she is about to do this and prevent it, but not always!  Of course when you smack the back of your head off of a hardwood floor the tantrum is usually forgotten and replaced with wild, barely breathing cries of pain!  

Our tactic has been to replace the taken item with an acceptable item, which works 50% of the time and has to be done right before you remove the forbidden item.  If the tantrum is unavoidable or in full swing, I put her in the Pack N Play so she can have a safe place to thrash around and toss herself.  Once the tantrum is finished I either:

 - take a calm cute baby out of the Pack N Play, wipe her wet face and find something to do (20%)

 - take an upset baby out of the Pack N Play, change her out of her vomit covered clothes, change and wash the sheets, give her hugs and some water (30%)

 - cover sleeping baby with muslin blanket and go stare at a wall (50%)

Friday, July 31, 2009

July Picture of the Month

Highline Park (9.5 months old)

Friday, June 26, 2009

Coney Island Tastes Good

So Malia had her first adventures at the beach.  We went to the New York Aquarium in Coney Island Brooklyn today (not spectacular at all) and stopped at the beach on the way back to the train.  After slathering Malia with sunscreen and tying on her sun hat, I took her over to the water.  She seemed mesmerized by the sound of the ocean.  I let her feet touch the sand and then I let the water wash over her little feetsies.  She didn't seem to mind at all, and the water was pretty cold.  She kept trying to "walk" further out.  Of course, I was trying to keep her off of the sand and clean but she had other plans and kept buckling her legs, which is apparently code for "let me go".  As soon as I let her down she was off, crawling back and forth across the sand.  And then it happened...she ate her first handful!  I of course was mortified, but Malia seemed to enjoy it as she licked clump after clump of Brooklyn sand off of her fingers.  By the time we were ready to go, she was covered head to toe in sand and had probably eaten half of the beach.  The great news is that she seems to love the beach as much as I do and now I'm excited to go visit Bran in Virginia Beach in a few weeks.  The bad news is that she will apparently have sandy poop for several weeks to come! Ouch!!

Thursday, June 25, 2009

June Picture of the Month

Sunny Days (8 months old)

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Monday, May 25, 2009

May Picture of the Month

Knocked out (almost 7 months old)